Committee Membership and Assigned Duties

The Chairman of the Board shall appoint the Chair and members of all committees, except that the Vice-Chairman of the Board will be Chair of Administration, Policy and Finance.

Administration, Policy and Finance Committee

  • Responsible: This committee shall be responsible for providing information and make recommendations to the Board and the Secretary of Public Safety and Homeland Security concerning legislation affecting fire prevention and protection, and fire services organizations in Virginia; approving the criteria for and disbursement of any grant funds received from the federal government and any agencies thereof and any other source and to disburse such funds in accordance therewith; and investigating alternative means of financial support for volunteer fire departments and advising jurisdictions regarding the implementation of such alternatives.

    The committee will also oversee the fire and EMS studies coordinator, who will ensure that technical assistance and advice to local fire departments, fire service organizations and local governments are carried out through Fire and Emergency Medical Services studies done in conjunction with the Agency. The committee will also establish policy on financial matters including but not limited to, Aid-To-Localities (ATL), grant funds, and special request of committees. The Chair of this committee will be the Vice Chair of the Board.

  • Current Chair: Abbey Johnston
  • Members: Walt Bailey, Bettie Reeves-Nobles, Keith Johnson, Don Hart, James Calvert, Steven Sites, Kevin Duck

Live Structure Committee

  • Responsible: The Chair of the Virginia Fire Services Board shall appoint a Chair to the Live Structure Committee. The Committee shall consist of six other members and must include at a minimum the following members: the Fire Education and Training Committee Chair (as currently appointed); the Board member representing the Insurance Industry; either a Virginia Association of Counties or a Virginia Municipal League member; and, either a Board of Housing & Community Development or a General Public member. The Committee shall be responsible for assisting the Administration, Policy and Finance Committee with the review and analysis of the Live Fire Training Structure Grant Program.
  • Current Chair: James Calvert
  • Members: Bettie Reeves-Nobles, William “Billy” Hanks, Jerome Williams, Carla Keesee, Jess Rodzinka, JM Snell

Fire Education and Training Committee

  • Responsible: The Chair of the Virginia Fire Services Board shall appoint a Chair to the Fire Education and Training Committee. The Committee on Fire Education and Training shall be responsible for providing information and making recommendations to the Virginia Fire Services Board related to the review and approval of a five-year (5) statewide plan for fire education and training; and advising the Agency on and adopting personnel standards for fire service personnel.
  • Current Chair: Jess Rodzinka
  • Members: James Calvert, Abbey Johnston, Kevin Duck, Don Hart, Ernie Little, Jerome Williams, Walt Bailey

Fire Prevention and Control Committee

  • Responsible: The Chair of the Virginia Fire Services Board shall appoint a Chair to the Fire Prevention and Control Committee. The Committee on Fire Prevention and Control shall be responsible for providing information and making recommendations to the Virginia Fire Services Board and Agency to ensure the development and implementation of the Virginia Fire Prevention and Control plan; advising the Agency on the development a statewide plan for the collection, analysis and reporting of data related to fires in the Commonwealth; and evaluating all fire prevention and protection programs, and make any recommendations deemed necessary to improve the level of fire prevention and protection in the Commonwealth.
  • Current Chair: Steven Sites
  • Members: Carla Keesee, Ernie Little, JM Snell, Keith Johnson, John Miller, William “Billy” Hanks