VDFP Agency Access Control Policy

New VDFP Agency Access Control Policy

Background: In an effort to increase the safety and security of VDFP Staff, the Commonwealth, property, and the interest of stakeholders, VDFP has implemented an access control policy that is expected to be followed by all employees, guests, and visitors. This policy will apply to all VDFP owned and leased facilities.
Policy: Only VDFP employees and authorized persons are permitted access into VDFP facilities. Each VDFP facility will have a formal method of controlling access. VDFP shall deny access to its premises to anyone who poses a threat or detriment to the safety and security of its employees, visitors, and/ or property.
Employee Access: VDFP employee access badges will allow employees the ability to open specific doors during a designated time frame based on their location and employee classification.
Contractor Access: VDFP periodically uses contractors to provide service delivery or for specialized services. These contractors will have access to VDFP facilities at designated times during their contract period.
Adjunct Employees:  VDFP part-time teaching staff (Adjunct Employees) will be issued an identification card to be used when conducting VDFP business only. The VDFP Adjunct Card will not grant the Adjunct employee access to any facility. All VDFP Adjunct employees must follow the Visitor Access procedure listed in this policy.
Visitor Access: Visitors entering a VDFP facility must be escorted by a VDFP staff member at all times. Visitors must sign the visitor log in the main lobby and be issued a VDFP visitor name tag to be worn at all times while on site. Visitor name tags should be returned to the VDFP receptionist at the conclusion of each visit. Employees escorting visitors are required to ensure that the visitor follows all policies and procedures set forth by VDFP.
Large Training Event/ Meetings: VDFP facilities are routinely used by external customers to host training events and meetings. Whenever a VDFP training room is being scheduled, the scheduling party shall pre-submit the names of those attending to the VDFP receptionist.
Exemptions: Visitor Escorts– Some situations will allow for unescorted visitors to common access areas. Examples of this include visitors that are attending training programs at a VDFP facility.

2016 Annual Report

We are proud to announce the publication of our 2016 Annual Report.  This document offers an overview of our accomplishments in the last year and our vision and goals for the future.  Printed copies of the report will be available at our Division offices.  You may also read and/or download the electronic version here.

2016 Annual Report


To prepare the Commonwealth for the REAL ID Act, a federal act that was passed in 2005, federal facilities including the National Fire Academy will be enforcing this act effective June 7, 2017. Any students taking courses at the National Fire Academy including our Tennessee/Virginia State Weekend will be required to furnish the required identification before being allowed to enter the facility. This enforcement tells us that students from Virginia will need to furnish another form of ID other than a state issued drivers license/ID Card for access to the facility. Other forms of identification include a valid federal PIV (Personal Identity Verification) card, military ID (active, retired, reserve, dependent, civilian employee), U.S. passport, U.S. passport card, or Transportation Worker’s Identification Card (TWIC).  Individual criminal background (NCIC) checks can be performed, but will require submission of personally identifiable information from the state that would be responsible for collecting and transmitting that information. Possessing a U.S. passport would eliminate the need for repeat NCIC checks upon each visit to campus. State Enhanced Driver’s Licenses (EDLs) designated as acceptable border-crossing documents by DHS under the Western Hemisphere Travel Initiative are acceptable for official federal purposes such as accessing a Federal facility or boarding a commercial aircraft. Individual agency policies may still apply.

Here is a link for more information on the REAL ID Act:
