2025 Annual Package

*Important Notice*

Beginning with FY2015 funding year, all jurisdictions will only be required to submit their Annual Report Package to the Agency. Accounting documentation (such as General Ledger reports, bank statements, or spreadsheets) must be maintained by the jurisdiction for audit purposes. Audit reviews will be conducted throughout the fiscal year. Localities will be contacted with meeting dates. New ATL Reporting Option in FY25: The annual report and disbursement agreements can be submitted via email to Grants@vdfp.virginia.gov The following items should be maintained in the grant files:

  • Cash carry forward from previous funding years (if applicable)
  • Current ATL funding for the year being reported
  • Prior ATL annual reports and disbursement agreements
  • Proof of qualifying expenditures reported
  • Cash carry forward balance into future reporting years (if applicable)

New Grants Info

2025 Annual Package Cover Letter

  • Regional Fire Services Training Grant Program
  • Funding reinstated. Applications being accepted FY25.