2019 Firefighter Safety Stand Down

2019 Firefighter Safety Stand Down 


Cancer risk prevention and education are critical in today’s fire service. It can mean saving the lives of personnel who put their lives at risk for others daily. Firefighter Safety Stand Down is a risk reduction program that brings awareness and attention to the harsh byproducts of a rewarding and special profession.

The Virginia Department of Fire Programs will join in participating in 2019 Firefighter Safety Stand Down, a joint initiative of the International Association of Fire Chiefs (IAFC) and the National Volunteer Fire Council (NVFC). The theme of Safety Stand Down 2019 focuses on reducing exposure risks and implementing the cancer prevention recommendations in the Lavender Ribbon Report. Many fire departments and organizations have developed training, resources, and videos related to this critical topic.

VDFP will provide topics daily through June 22, here on the VDFP website and on social media, which you may utilize for informational and training purposes to help educate members of your respective agencies. We will also include a few other current health and safety topics that are concerns within the public safety community today.

The first resource we offer is the Lavender Ribbon Report, which was jointly released by The International Association of Fire Chiefs’ Volunteer and Combination Officers Section (VCOS) and the National Volunteer Fire Council (NVFC). This report outlines actions that firefighters can take to reduce risk factors of cancer in the fire service.

Volunteer Fire and EMS Departments Can Purchase Bulk Fuel Direct Through State Contract

Volunteer Fire and EMS Departments Can Purchase Bulk Fuel Direct Through State Contract

In 2018, HB1170 was passed, allowing fire companies as defined in §27-6-01 or volunteer emergency medical services agencies as defined in §32.1-111.1 that is recognized by an ordinance to be part of the safety program of a county, city, or town to utilize state contracts to directly purchase motor fuel from the Virginia Department of General Services without seeking approval from the governing body of such county, city or town.

For more information regarding the benefits of these contracts and how to purchase from them, please contact your Local Government Account Executive. Learn more.

Fire & EMS Memorial Week, June 2-8, 2019

June 2-8, 2019 is recognized as Fire and Emergency Medical Services Memorial Week in Virginia. Take a moment this week to acknowledge Virginia’s fire and EMS personnel who devoted their lives and careers to protecting the Commonwealth.

Fire and Emergency Medical Services Memorial Week — Proclamation

WHEREAS, firefighters and emergency medical services personnel play essential roles in saving lives and protecting property in communities throughout Virginia; and

WHEREAS, the safety and well-being of Virginians is important to the prosperity of Virginia’s families and communities; and

WHEREAS, Virginians value the courage and devotion of our Commonwealth’s fire and emergency medical services professionals who put their lives in danger in order to safeguard the lives and property of Virginians; and

WHEREAS, on the first Saturday of June, a statewide memorial service is held to pay tribute to firefighters and emergency medical services personnel who have paid the ultimate sacrifice; and

WHEREAS, seven valiant individuals who gave their lives to protect the people of the Commonwealth in 2018 will be recognized at the 2019 Virginia Fallen Firefighters and Emergency Medical Services Memorial Service; and

WHEREAS, Fire and Emergency Medical Services Memorial Week is an opportunity for Virginians to stand with firefighters and emergency medical services personnel, honor their tremendous sacrifices, and continued devotion to serving the Commonwealth;

NOW, THEREFORE, I, Ralph S. Northam, do hereby recognize June 2-8, 2019, as FIRE AND EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES MEMORIAL WEEK in our COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA, and I call this observance to the attention of all our citizens.




Students asked to review transcripts in FSTRS

Students asked to review transcripts in FSTRS
March 14, 2019

VDFP is currently preparing student data in order to transfer it to the new learning management system — Cornerstone OnDemand — scheduled to launch this summer.

Students are encouraged to review their existing transcripts in FSTRS before Friday, March 22, 2019 to ensure information is accurate. If you have questions or concerns, contact your respective VDFP Division Chief.

Log into FSTRS.

HTR Classes Now Available!

HTR recently added two additional courses that are now open for registration:

Trench Technician – Albemarle Regional School (registration fee)
March 22-24

Swift Water Operations / Technician – New River Valley, Blacksburg
April 22-25