Background on VFSB Committees/Subcommittees

Committee Membership and Assigned Duties The Chairman of the Board shall appoint the Chair and members of all committees, except that the Vice-Chairman of the Board will be Chair of Administration, Policy and Finance. Administration, Policy and Finance Committee Responsible: This committee shall be responsible for providing information and make recommendations to the Board and the Secretary of Public Safety and Homeland Security concerning legislation affecting fire prevention and protection, and fire services organizations in Virginia; approving the criteria for and disbursement of any grant funds received from the federal government and any agencies thereof and any other source and to disburse such funds in accordance therewith; and investigating alternative means of financial support for volunteer fire departments and advising jurisdictions regarding the implementation of such alternatives. The committee will also establish policy on financial matters including but not limited to, Aid-To-Localities (ATL), grant funds, and special request of committees. Chair: The Chair of this committee will be the Vice Chairman of the Board. Live Structure Committee Responsible: The Chairman of the Virginia Fire Services Board shall appoint a Chair to the Burn Building Committee. The Committee shall consist of six other members and must include at a minimum the following members: the Fire Education and Training Committee Chair (as currently appointed); the Board member representing the Insurance Industry; either a Virginia Association of Counties or a Virginia Municipal League member; and, either a Board of Housing & Community Development or a General Public member.  The Committee shall be responsible for assisting the Administration, Policy and Finance Committee with the review and analysis of the Burn Building Grant Program.  Meetings of this subcommittee shall be in months where no regular or annual meeting of the Board is being held. Current Chair: Selected by the VFSB Chair. Members: Fire Education and Training Committee Chair Board member representing the Insurance Industry, either a Virginia Association of Counties or a Virginia Municipal League member; and, either a Board of Housing & Community Development (**BHCD) or a General Public member. Fire Education and Training Committee Responsible: The Committee on Fire Education and Training shall be responsible for providing information and making recommendations to the Virginia Fire Services Board related to the review and approval of a five-year (5) statewide plan for fire education and training; providing technical assistance and advice to local fire departments, fire service organizations and local governments through Fire and Emergency Medical Services studies done in conjunction with the Agency; and advising the Agency on and adopting personnel standards for fire service personnel. Current Chair: Selected by the VFSB Chair. Fire Prevention and Control Committee Responsible: The Committee on Fire Prevention and Control shall be responsible for providing information and making recommendations to the Virginia Fire Services Board and Agency to ensure the development and implementation of the Virginia Fire Prevention and Control plan; advising the Agency on the development a statewide plan for the collection, analysis and reporting of data related to fires in the Commonwealth; and evaluating all fire prevention and protection programs, and make any recommendations deemed necessary to improve the level of fire prevention and protection in the Commonwealth. Current Chair: Selected by the VFSB Chair. Standing Subcommittees Responsible: There shall be one (1) standing subcommittee of the Virginia Fire Services Board: Codes and Standards Subcommittee. No subcommittee shall have the authority to amend, alter or repeal these Rules of Procedure, to appoint or remove any member of a subcommittee or to amend, alter or repeal any resolution or motion of the Virginia Fire Services Board. The Chairman of the Board shall appoint the Chair and members of the subcommittees. All subcommittee appointees shall serve at the pleasure of the Chairman of the Board. Current Chair: Membership varies.

Copy of – Training and Development

Training & Development Training and Development coordinates and delivers fire emergency services education and training programs for the fire and emergency response community, public, law enforcement and industry for the purpose of protecting and defending the commonwealth against the loss of life and property.  Training and Development is organized into General Fire Service Training and Specialized Training. We will be hosting a series of Stakeholder meetings in FY2018 to provide an opportunity for input and feedback from Virginia’s fire services. Click on the link below for further information. 2018-stakeholder-meetings Funded Training Programs – CY 2018 Students Courses Become a Fire Fighter     Training Officers/Instructors Training Officers Courses Fire Safety Training Records System Instructor Resources General Fire Service Training VDFP supports general training across the Commonwealth through its relationship with different divisions.  Click the link below to learn how to find training in your area. Learn about Divisions Specialized Training Aircraft Rescue Fire Fighter Incident Management (NIMS) Technical Rescue Program Most Used Training Forms Dereck Baker Division 7 Chief 4975 Alliance Drive
Fairfax, VA 22030 703-259-3232 703-803-1127

VDFP Is Going Google!

On Monday, March 26, our office is going google! Our email, calendar and contacts will be migrating from our Microsoft Exchange Server to G Suite over the weekend March 23-25, 2018.

As VITA continues to move all state agency’s to a modern email solution, we may experience performance issues over the next several days. We ask for your patience. Additionally, our phone system will not be affected and people are encouraged to call our office for pressing issues.
For more information about this project, please visit VITA website.

24th Annual Caroline County Fire Regional School

Registration is now open for the 24th Annual Caroline County Regional School!

The Virginia Department of Fire Programs, the Caroline County Department of Fire and Rescue and the Caroline County Volunteer Emergency Units Organization will conduct the 24th Annual Caroline County Regional School on April 14 and 15, 2018. Eighteen different courses are planned for this year’s event. Review the 2018 Spring School Brochure for all the details.



2018 Course Offerings:

  • Confined Space, Level II
  • Trench, Level I
  • Machinery Search and Rescue
  • EMT-Basic Required Topic Hours
  • S215 Fire Operations in the Wildland/Urban Interface
  • 350’ Line: Engine Ops Back to Basics
  • Fire Marshall Academy 1033 CFFI Module II
  • Health and Safety Officer (HSO)
  • NFA: Decision-Making for the Initial Company Officer (DMICO)
  • Fire Instructor I TTT
  • Driver Operator Pumper TTT
  • Driver Operator Aerial TTT
  • Response to Aviation Accidents for First Responders
  • Clandestine Drug Lab Operations, Virginia State Police
  • VAVRS Introduction to Swift Water Rescue
  • Traffic Incident Management
  • STIHL Saw Operator
  • STIHL Saw Operator TTT

2017 Governor’s Fire Service Awards Presented

The 2017 Governor’s Fire Services Awards were presented to recipients in eight categories during the Virginia Fire and Rescue Conference opening ceremonies on Saturday, February 24, 2018.  The event was held at the Virginia Beach Convention Center.

Established in 2002, the Governor’s Fire Service Awards recognize and honor the excellence in Virginia’s Fire Services. The Virginia Department of Fire Programs, in partnership with the Virginia Fire Services Board, facilitated these awards.

“This year’s nominations included an outstanding representation of Virginia’s fire services and their commitment to the protection and safety of the citizens of the Commonwealth,” said Secretary of Public Safety Brian Moran. “It is my honor to present the Governor’s Fire Services Awards and recognize outstanding commitment and dedication to the fire services.”

“One cannot help but be inspired by the selfless actions and unwavering commitment of these individuals to Virginia’s Fire Service,” said Virginia Department of Fire Programs Executive Director Michael Reilly. “I would like congratulate this year’s winners and thank all our firefighters and first responders that courageously protect and serve the citizens of the Commonwealth of Virginia everyday in large and small ways.”

Winners of the 2017 Governor’s Fire Service Awards are:

Excellence in Virginia Fire Services: Retired Battalion Chief David Creasy

Retired Battalion Chief David Creasy has dedicated his lifetime educating and protecting residents of Metro Richmond from the damaging effects of fire. After more than 50 years in the fire service, Chief Creasy was diagnosed with Stage 4 neuroendocrine carcinoma in July 2014. Since his frightful diagnosis, Chief Creasy has dedicated himself to educating and preventing his fellow firefighters across the country on the necessary steps to reduce the alarming rate of cancer in the fire service. Chief Creasy has been a change agent for policy and procedural development on toxic exposure and reduction efforts.

Excellence in Community Risk Reduction: Roanoke County Fire and Rescue Department

After three residential structure fires that claimed the loss of four young lives in early 2016, the Roanoke County Fire and Rescue Department launched a comprehensive fire safety campaign to reduce fire-related deaths. This campaign involved a fire safety video, printed fire prevention materials and increased efforts to visit schools, preschools, daycares, churches and businesses. Finally, the Department launched a social media campaign and challenged all Roanoke County residents to develop a fire escape plan, practice it and post a picture to social media.

Excellence in Fire Service Training: Charles Pruitt

Charles Pruitt demonstrates year after year his commitment and dedication to educating the next generation of firefighters on Virginia’s Eastern Shore. Mr. Pruitt is the current Director of Public Safety for Accomack County. Mr. Pruitt first became involved with the Eastern Shore Regional Fire Academy in 1999. Without the drive and determination of Mr. Pruitt, this facility would not offer the high-level of professional fire training is does today.  Hundreds of firefighters have received their training under Mr. Pruitt’s leadership and the residents of Eastern Shore are safer because of his unwavering commitment to training.

Outstanding Fire Department Response: Charlottesville Fire Department

The events of August 12, 2017 in Charlottesville were truly unimaginable and required an emergency response that our Commonwealth hopes to never need again. In attempts to plan and deploy for this very atypical event, the department had to more than doubled its sworn capacity to increase the capability of the local response system. This level of mutual aid is truly unprecedented and the command staff of the Charlottesville Fire Department exercised extreme leadership as it coordinated a lot of moving people and parts that day. The magnitude of the interagency planning and coordinating was phenomenal. The Charlottesville Fire Department was a vital leader in the regional preparation and contributed significantly to the Commonwealth’s combined ability to respond.

Private Sector Excellence in Virginia Fire Service Support: BWX Technologies

For decades, BWX Technologies (BWXT) in Lynchburg has provided various forms of support to the Central Virginia Region’s fire and rescue services. Safety is ingrained into the culture of BWXT and foster involvement with the local volunteer fire departments. Over the past five years, BWXT has offered numerous courses at no cost for firefighters as well as extended their generosity to donate a pumper truck. BWXT has provided immeasurable contributions to Virginia’s Fire Service and the fire departments throughout Central Virginia are better off because of their unwavering generosity.

Civilian Excellence in Virginia Fire Service Support: Virginia Hands and Voices

Recognizing a need for increased public education, the Virginia Chapter of Hands and Voices developed two webinars to educate about the fire service needs of the deaf and hard-of-hearing communities. These webinars discussed how families with hearing loss can help protect themselves before and during a house fire. With the assistance of National Fire Protection Association, these webinars were available nationwide and more than 200 people registered for these two webinars. Due to the initiative of Virginia Hands and Voices, people in Virginia and across the nation that are impacted by hearing loss have a better understanding of the resources available to them and what they need to do to protect their families.

Virginia Volunteer Firefighter of the Year: Lieutenant Kenny Kirby

Lt. Kenny Kirby has had a long and distinguished career in the fire service. His service began in 1998 with the Concord Volunteer Fire Department. Kenny has served as President of the Central Virginia Firefighters Association since 2013. During his time as President, he has reenergized the Association and made providing superior training its priority.  He has successfully hosted two regional fire schools that have drawn students from across the Commonwealth.  Lt. Kirby has a passion for fire service leadership and the betterment of his fellow firefighters.  To that end, he includes not just hands on programs at the regional school, but also leadership programs to ensure he captures the entire fire service audience.

Virginia Career Firefighter of the Year: Lieutenant Marc Davidson

Recognizing a need to enhance and deliver a comprehensive officer development and training program, the Fairfax County Fire and Rescue Department established an Officer Development Training position in February 2017.  Lt. Marc Davidson led this new training initiative and delivered officer development and leadership training programming to over 2,300 firefighters through multiple delivery platforms in Fairfax County.  Through his Riding the Seat Program, Lt. Davidson has impacted firefighters from Fairfax County Fire and Rescue, Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority, Arlington County Fire, Alexandria Fire, Loudoun County Fire, and Prince William County Fire. This program delivers tactical, front-seat training focused on quick officer decision making. The program reached approximately 200 attendees bimonthly.

Virginia Volunteer Fire Chief of the Year: Chief William Hanks

Chief William Hanks has served the community of Christiansburg as a member of the Christiansburg Fire Department since 1981. During his tenure as a volunteer, he has served as a firefighter, engineer, lieutenant, training officer and now chief. For the past eight years, has served as the Fire Chief and Fire Marshal for Christiansburg. Under the leadership of Chief Hanks, the Department witnessed a full renovation to its fire station. During these renovations, Chief Hanks implemented critical fire safety measures and increased the capacity for training and overnight lodging.  Chief Hanks spends countless hours supporting not only the Christiansburg Fire Department, but also the other four fire departments and six rescue agencies in Montgomery County. When someone calls into the station and needs something as small as a smoke detector battery changed, Chief Hanks is out the door and helping change the battery

Virginia Career Fire Chief of the Year: Chief W. Keith Brower

Chief W. Keith Brower, Jr. is deserving of this award not only for his forty-four years of service to Loudoun County, but for his continued devotion to fire prevention across the Commonwealth. Chief Brower began his tenure in the fire service in 1973 and became the Chief of Loudoun Fire, Rescue, and Emergency Management in 2010. Under Brower’s leadership, the County transitioned from 17 separate organizations into one of the largest combined systems in the Commonwealth. Not only did Chief Brower champion this initiative, but he also took responsibility for this experiment and continues to meet the unique challenges this new system encounters. No one else could have done it. However, perhaps one of Chief Brower’s most important contributions to Virginia’s Fire Service is his unwavering passion and support for fire prevention. Brower has become a recognized leader for issues involving the development and implementation of the Statewide Fire Prevention Code. Chief Brower’s support of residential sprinklers and engagement with many national organizations is unprecedented.  Chief Brower is highly respected in both Loudoun County and the Commonwealth of Virginia for his efforts and his ability to accomplish the mission.


