Conference and Education Policy

VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF FIRE PROGRAMS CONFERENCE AND EDUCATION ASSISTANCE GRANT POLICY A) PURPOSE In accordance with §38.2-401-F of the Code of Virginia, the Conference and Education Assistance Grant Program was established to provide additional financial assistance for professional development for member’s of Virginia’s fire services. The Conference and Education Assistance Program shall be administered by the Virginia Department of Fire Programs (VDFP) under the guidance and direction of the Executive Director or the designee. The purpose of the Conference and Education Assistance Grant Program is to provide needed financial support for training conferences and seminars sponsored by Virginia-based non-profit organizations that further the education of fire services personnel throughout the Commonwealth.   B) GENERAL OVERVIEW Grant disbursements to eligible organizations for training opportunities of Virginia’s fire services personnel are administered by the Virginia Department of Fire Programs, VDFP, (“the Agency”) from the Commonwealth’s Fire Programs Fund as outlined in the Code of Virginia (§38.2-401) and consistent with recommendations by the Virginia Fire Services Board, VFSB, (“the Board”) as set forth within this document. All grants for conference and education programs shall be approved by the Executive Director of the Virginia Department of Fire Programs or the designee.   C) PRECEDENTS OF LAW & DISCLAIMER Disbursements from the Virginia Department of Fire Programs Conference and Education Assistance Grant Program will be made from the Fire Programs Fund (§38.2-401 of the Code of Virginia as amended) consistent with the policy set forth within this document. Nothing contained within this document shall be construed to supersede the applicable laws and regulations of the Commonwealth of Virginia. Should such conflict or question arise, or appear to arise, the applicable law or regulation shall supersede and nullify any such questionable provision outline in this policy.   D) DEFINITION OF TERMS CONFERENCE AND EDUCATION ASSISTANCE GRANT PROGRAM – Administered by the Virginia Department of Fire Programs, this program provides financial assistance to Virginia-based non-profit or governmental entity offering a conference or symposium targeted specifically for fire services providers and their respective agencies. Grant funds shall be used for the purposes of providing training to volunteer or career firefighting personnel and funding fire prevention and public safety education courses. The award of such monies is determined following a review of acceptable criteria and an establishment of need. VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF FIRE PROGRAMS – The state agency of the Commonwealth of Virginia responsible for the administration of the Conference and Education Assistance Grant Program. Herein also referred to as “VDFP”.   FISCAL PERIOD – The twelve (12) month period in which the Commonwealth of Virginia applies its approved budget for the benefit of the state and its citizens. This cycle begins on July 1 and terminates on June 30 of each calendar year. GRANT PERIOD – A twelve (12) month time period coinciding with the Fiscal Period in which the awarded organization (or “grantee”) must expend any funds received from the Conference and Education Assistance Program. The expenditure of funds must be for the stated purpose and be within proper guidelines for which money was awarded.   E) GRANT APPLICATION Any eligible organization may submit an application for the Conference and Education Assistance Grant Program by completing and filing the prescribed form as approved by the Virginia Department of Fire Programs. Applications will be received and reviewed annually and shall be postmarked by July 1 each year for that fiscal year. A copy of the prescribed form can be found on the VDFP website at The Virginia Department of Fire Programs Executive Director or the designee may call for applications at any time during the calendar year dependent upon the availability of increased funding for the Conference and Education Assistance Grant Program. All applications, including attachments and supplemental documentation, become the property of the Virginia Department of Fire Programs and, upon determination of eligibility, become public information subject to disclosure under the Freedom of Information Act and all other appropriate statutes. The determination of eligibility and that of any potential amount or other conditions shall be consistent solely with guidance and practices contained within this or any successor document. Hard copies of grant applications should be sent directly to: Grants and Budget Manager Virginia Department of Fire Programs Attn: Conference and Education Grant Administration 1005 Technology Park Drive Glen Allen, VA 23059-4500 The filing of an otherwise completed grant application by an eligible entity in no way binds the Department of Fire Programs to disburse any Fire Programs Fund monies. The determination of eligibility and that of any potential amount or other conditions shall be consistent solely with guidance and practices contained within this or any successor document.   F) ELIGIBILITY AND AWARD CRITERIA The Executive Director of VDFP shall determine the amount of any financial awards as funds are available. The non-availability of funds may prevent the approval of any application for grant assistance. Eligibility of applicants and the awarding of the Conference and Education Assistance Grant funds shall be based on the following criteria: 1. Legally recognized non-profit or governmental entities representing the local, regional, or statewide interests of the fire services community shall be eligible. 2. Neither the applicant nor governing authority of the conference shall not discriminate on the basis of race, sex, color, national origin, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, age, political affiliation, or against otherwise qualified persons with disabilities. 3. It is strongly encouraged that the scheduled conference be held within the legally recognized boundaries of the Commonwealth of Virginia. Training programs outside Virginia may be approved on a limited basis when the needs are justified in application. 4. The host organization may allow participants outside the Commonwealth to participate. 5. The content of the grant-funded training event must align with the mission and needs of Virginia’s fire and emergency services community.   G) GRANT REVIEW Beginning with the FY2020 funding year, the Executive Director shall appoint a review panel to analyze the applications. The review panel will consist of command staff members to include the Deputy Director along with the Budget and Grants Manager. At the discretion of the Executive Director, a Virginia Fire Services Board member shall be appointed should there be a need for a substitute. Applications will be evaluated for accuracy, eligibility and its impact on the Commonwealth of Virginia. VDFP’s command staff will provide funding recommendations to the Executive Director. Final funding levels will be made by the Executive Director based on the analysis provided.   H) GRANT AWARD ADMINISTRATION AND ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The Conference and Education Assistance Grant Program shall be administered through the Grants Section at the Virginia Department of Fire Programs. The grant recipient or host organization shall public acknowledge the services of VDFP during the scheduled conference and other activities supported through the Conference and Education Grant Program.   I) DISBURSEMENT OF FUNDS Disbursements from the Conference and Education Assistance Grant Program shall be made following the application to and approval by VDFP Executive Director or the designee. Each applicant must demonstrate the substantial benefit to Virginia’s fire and emergency services community and sufficiently outline the use of grant monies. VDFP shall reserve the right to determine the method and amount of financial assistance disbursement on a case-by-case basis. Examples of acceptable methods include electronic transfer and check writing. 1. CONCEPT OF OPERATION AND FUND USE – Monies from the Conference and Education Assistance Grant Program shall be used to enhance the educational and practical instruction available to Virginia’s fire and emergency services personnel. In so doing, funds may be applied towards identified training costs to improve the delivery of material and overall quality of instruction. These training conferences and educational seminars must reinforce the modern needs of Virginia’s fire services inclusive of health and safety instruction. 2. ACCEPTABLE USES OF MONIES – Include, but are not limited to, instructor fees, reservation fees, honorariums, renting multimedia supplies and equipment beyond services that VDFP may already provide, production of presentation materials, technical assistance and instructors travel expenses. The use of money towards non-learning or recreational activities is acceptable on a limited basis. The use of grant funds to provide light refreshments, such as snacks and non-alcoholic beverages, may be acceptable when it has been determined that such items would materially enhance the training event.   J) REPORTING REQUIREMENTS Within thirty (30) days of the conclusion of the conference, the grant assistance recipient shall submit a detailed written report to the Executive Director of VDFP summarizing the training and how the funds were utilized. The total number of verifiable attendees and a complete list of training courses offered shall be included in the documents provided. The recipient may also use this occasion to comment on the administration of the Conference and Education Assistance Grant Program. All written remarks may be used by VDFP for quality assurance and quality improvement purposes. Additionally, within 30-calendar days after the conclusion of the grant term, all unexpended funds – including any interest accrual remaining – shall be returned to VDFP. 1. Return of Unexpended Funds by Check: Funds being returned to the Agency via a check:   Must be made payable to the Treasurer of Virginia, and   Forwarded to the attention of the Agency at the address specified in [H] above.(Funds are NOT to be sent directly to the Treasurer’s Office or any other State agency.) 2. Direct Deposit: Funds may also be returned to the Agency via electronic transfer as may be provided for within the contractual agreement among parties.   K) FUND MISUSE Should any audit reveal inappropriate or questionable expenditures, the Conference and Education Grant recipient shall submit a written explanation to the Executive Director of VDFP within fifteen (15) days of notification and be subject to an investigation of improper use. Any entity believed to have provided false, misleading, or improper information will be subject to a review by VDFP and possibly other authorities. The Office of the Attorney General will be consulted regarding these matters as necessary. If any financial assistance recipient is deemed to have misused any monies, in whole or in part, of the Conference and Education Assistance Grant Program, such funds shall be re-paid to VDFP within 30 days from the date of determination of misuse. Said organization shall then be ineligible to receive VDFP supplemental financial assistance for a period of up to five (5) years from the date of the original award. The deliberate and/or malicious misuse of monies from the Conference and Education Assistance Grant Program will be reported to the appropriate law enforcement authorities for review.   L) BURDEN OF PROOF & LIABILITY TO AUDIT It is the responsibility of the jurisdiction to maintain all necessary fiscal records. Such records are subject to audit by this Agency or its assignees, for a period of not less than five (5) years following the date of the last transfer of award moneys to the grant recipient.   CERTIFICATION: The undersigned Executive Director of the Virginia Department of Fire Programs adopts the foregoing policy as of March 31, 2019. As such, this revised policy supersedes all prior adopted versions of this Policy.   Michael T. Reilly Executive Director Virginia Department of Fire Programs Download the PDF: Conference and Education Policy PDF

NFPA 1403 Compliance for Live Fire Training Structure Grants

STATEMENT OF Requirements of the Live Fire Training Structure Grant Program COMPLIANCE with NFPA 1403 Standard on Live Fire Training Evolutions (as amended) Receiving a grant award through the Live Fire Training Structure Grant Program to construct, renovate, or repair Live Fire Training Structures throughout the Commonwealth carries certain restrictions and requirements. This statement serves to communicate special requirements regarding compliance with NFPA 1403 that are assumed by the Live Fire Training Structure grant recipient as the owner locality. It is the responsibility of the owner locality and/or its operating agents to obtain the most current version of NFPA 1403 Standard on Live Fire Training Evolutions and review the document carefully to ensure compliance. Each recipient of a Live Fire Training Structure Grant award as funded from the Fire Programs Fund accepts the compliance requirements as presented in this Statement. The owner locality agrees to operate and maintain their Live Fire Training Structure prop by ALL minimum requirements for training fire suppression personnel engaged in firefighting operations under live fire conditions as set forth in NFPA 1403 Standard on Live Fire Training Evolutions (as amended). Specifically by accepting this award, the owner locality assumes all responsibility for maintenance of the Live Fire Training Structure prop. This responsibility is further as cited in NFPA 1403 2007 Edition, sections: ( ( ( ( ( ( ( Every five (5) years, the owner locality will comply with ( cited above.Every ten (10) years, the owner locality will comply with ( cited above.Download PDF: NFPA-1403-Compliance-revised-2007

Schedule of Burn Building Prop Inspections

A. ExistingBurnBuildingProp(ConventionalConstruction),ClassAFuel Inspection Type Requirements 1. Annual Establish annual inspection to be performed by a licensed professional engineer retained by the locality. Minimum Scope of Annual Inspection and Items to be Included in the Report: Visually observe structural components for distress. Visually observe condition of thermal lining within burn rooms. Visually observe condition of metal shutters, doors, windows, stairs, and signage. Verify all temperature monitoring equipment is functional. Verify temperature monitoring equipment has been calibrated within the past 12months. Collect temperature monitoring readouts and usage data for all live fire trainingevolutions conducted at burn building prop since last inspection. As a minimum, reports shall be signed and sealed by a licensed ProfessionalEngineer and shall contain: Photos of the observed types of distress. Elevations and plans, as required, marked up to adequately show the extentof distress. Remedial repair recommendations. Order of Magnitude cost estimate for remedial repairs. Provide copy of the annual burn building prop inspection report to VDFP for record with copy of data retrieved no later than May 31. 2. Every Five (5) Years Establish an independent inspection conducted every five (5) years to be performed by a licensed professional engineer retained by the VDFP. Minimum Scope of Five (5) Year Inspection and Items to be Included in the Report: Visually observe structural components for distress. Visually observe condition of thermal lining within burn rooms. Visually observe condition of metal shutters, doors, windows, stairs, and signage. Verify all temperature monitoring equipment is functional. Verify temperature monitoring equipment has been calibrated within the past 12months. Collect temperature monitoring readouts and usage data for all live fire trainingevolutions conducted at burn building prop since last inspection. Provide recommendations to the locality on any additional testing to be performedby the locality’s licensed professional engineer during their current annual inspection (i.e. destructive testing such as removal and inspection of structure behind linings, coring of slabs and/or walls, etc.). As a minimum, reports shall be signed and sealed by a licensed Professional Engineer and shall contain: Photos of the observed types of distress. Elevations and plans, as required, marked up to adequately show the extentof distress. Remedial repair recommendations. Order of Magnitude cost estimate for remedial repairs. Provide copy of five (5) year burn building prop inspection report to VDFP for record with copies of data retrieved no later than May 31. 3. Every Ten (10) Years No separate ten (10) year inspection shall be established. It should be noted that, while the intent of the current edition of the 2007 NFPA 1403 is to provide physical testing of the concrete slabs and walls at the ten (10) year interval, this intent is met and exceeded by charging the independent inspector of the five (5) year inspection with providing recommendations for the testing of structural components. Page 1 of 5 09/29/2009 Commonwealth of Virginia Department of Fire Programs Schedule of Burn Building Inspections B. Existing Burn Building Prop (Conventional Construction), Class B Fuel Inspection Type Requirements 1. Biennial Establish biennial inspection to be performed by a licensed professional engineer retained by the locality. Minimum Scope of Biennial Inspection and Items to be Included in the Report: Visually observe structural components for distress. Visually observe condition of thermal lining within burn rooms. Visually observe condition of metal shutters, doors, windows, stairs, and signage. Verify all temperature monitoring equipment is functional. Verify temperature monitoring equipment has been calibrated annually. Collect temperature monitoring readouts and usage data for all live fire trainingevolutions conducted at burn building prop since last inspection. As a minimum, reports shall be signed and sealed by a licensed ProfessionalEngineer and shall contain: Photos of the observed types of distress. Elevations and plans, as required, marked up to adequately show the extentof distress. Remedial repair recommendations. Order of Magnitude cost estimate for remedial repairs. Provide copy of the biennial burn building prop inspection report to VDFP for record with copy of data retrieved no later than May 31. 2. Every Five (5) Years Establish an independent inspection conducted every five (5) years to be performed by a licensed professional engineer retained by the VDFP. Minimum Scope of Five (5) Year Inspection and Items to be Included in the Report: Visually observe structural components for distress. Visually observe condition of thermal lining within burn rooms. Visually observe condition of metal shutters, doors, windows, stairs, and signage. Verify all temperature monitoring equipment is functional. Verify temperature monitoring equipment has been calibrated within the past 12months. Collect temperature monitoring readouts and usage data for all live fire trainingevolutions conducted at burn building prop since last inspection. Provide recommendations to the locality on any additional testing to be performedby the locality’s licensed professional engineer during their current biennial inspection (i.e. destructive testing such as removal and inspection of structure behind linings, coring of slabs and/or walls, etc.). As a minimum, reports shall be signed and sealed by a licensed Professional Engineer and shall contain: Photos of the observed types of distress. Elevations and plans, as required, marked up to adequately show the extentof distress. Remedial repair recommendations. Order of Magnitude cost estimate for remedial repairs. Provide copy of five (5) year burn building prop inspection report to VDFP for record with copies of data retrieved no later than May 31. 3. Every Ten (10) Years No separate ten (10) year inspection shall be established. It should be noted that, while the current edition of the 2007 NFPA 1403 is to provide physical testing of the concrete slabs and walls at the ten (10) year interval, this intent is met and exceeded by charging the independent inspector of the five (5) year inspection with providing recommendations for the testing of structural components. Commonwealth of Virginia Department of Fire Programs Schedule of Burn Building Inspections C. Existing Burn Building Prop (Pre-Engineered Metal Building Construction), Class A Fuel Inspection Type Requirements 1. Annual Establish annual inspection to be performed by a licensed professional engineer retained by the locality. Minimum Scope of Annual Inspection and Items to be Included in the Report: Visually observe structural components for distress. Visually observe condition of thermal lining within burn rooms. Visually observe condition of metal shutters, doors, windows, stairs, and signage. Verify all temperature monitoring equipment is functional. Verify temperature monitoring equipment has been calibrated within the past 12months. Collect temperature monitoring readouts and usage data for all live fire trainingevolutions conducted at burn building prop since last inspection. As a minimum, reports shall be signed and sealed by a licensed ProfessionalEngineer and shall contain: Photos of the observed types of distress. Elevations and plans, as required, marked up to adequately show the extentof distress. Remedial repair recommendations. Order of Magnitude cost estimate for remedial repairs. Provide copy of the annual burn building prop inspection report to VDFP for record with copy of data retrieved. 2. Every Five (5) Years Establish an independent inspection conducted every five (5) years to be performed by a licensed professional engineer retained by the VDFP. Minimum Scope of Five (5) Year Inspection and Items to be Included in the Report: Visually observe structural components for distress. Visually observe condition of thermal lining within burn rooms. Visually observe condition of metal shutters, doors, windows, stairs, and signage. Verify all temperature monitoring equipment is functional. Verify temperature monitoring equipment has been calibrated within the past 12months. Collect temperature monitoring readouts and usage data for all live fire trainingevolutions conducted at burn building prop since last inspection. Provide recommendations to the locality on any additional testing to be performedby the locality’s licensed professional engineer during their current annual inspection (i.e. destructive testing such as removal and inspection of structure behind linings, coring of slabs, etc.). As a minimum, reports shall be signed and sealed by a licensed Professional Engineer and shall contain: Photos of the observed types of distress. Elevations and plans, as required, marked up to adequately show the extentof distress. Remedial repair recommendations. Order of Magnitude cost estimate for remedial repairs. Provide copy of five (5) year inspection report to VDFP for record with copies of data retrieved no later than May 31. 3. Every Ten (10) Years No separate ten (10) year inspection shall be established. It should be noted that, while the current edition of the 2007 NFPA 1403 is to provide physical testing of the concrete slabs and walls at the ten (10) year interval, this intent is met and exceeded by charging the independent inspector of the five (5) year inspection with providing recommendations for the testing of structural components. Page 3 of 5 09/29/2009 Commonwealth of Virginia Department of Fire Programs Schedule of Burn Building Inspections D. Existing Burn Building Prop (Pre-Engineered Metal Building Construction), Class B Fuel Inspection Type Requirements 1. Biennial Establish biennial inspection to be performed by a licensed professional engineer retained by the locality. Minimum Scope of Biennial Inspection and Items to be Included in the Report: Visually observe structural components for distress. Visually observe condition of thermal lining within burn rooms. Visually observe condition of metal shutters, doors, windows, stairs, and signage. Verify all temperature monitoring equipment is functional. Verify temperature monitoring equipment has been calibrated annually. Collect temperature monitoring readouts and usage data for all live fire trainingevolutions conducted at burn building prop since last inspection. As a minimum, reports shall be signed and sealed by a licensed ProfessionalEngineer and shall contain: Photos of the observed types of distress. Elevations and plans, as required, marked up to adequately show the extentof distress. Remedial repair recommendations. Order of Magnitude cost estimate for remedial repairs. Provide copy of the biennial burn building prop inspection report to VDFP for record with copy of data retrieved no later than May 31. 2. Every Five (5) Years Establish an independent inspection conducted every five (5) years to be performed by a licensed professional engineer retained by the VDFP. Minimum Scope of Five (5) Year Inspection and Items to be Included in the Report: Visually observe structural components for distress. Visually observe condition of thermal lining within burn rooms. Visually observe condition of metal shutters, doors, windows, stairs, and signage. Verify all temperature monitoring equipment is functional. Verify temperature monitoring equipment has been calibrated within the past 12months. Collect temperature monitoring readouts and usage data for all live fire trainingevolutions conducted at burn building prop since last inspection. Provide recommendations to the locality on any additional testing to be performedby the locality’s licensed professional engineer during their current biennial inspection (i.e. destructive testing such as removal and inspection of structure behind linings, coring of slabs and/or walls, etc.). As a minimum, reports shall be signed and sealed by a licensed Professional Engineer and shall contain: Photos of the observed types of distress. Elevations and plans, as required, marked up to adequately show the extentof distress. Remedial repair recommendations. Order of Magnitude cost estimate for remedial repairs. Provide copy of five (5) year burn building prop inspection report to VDFP for record with copies of data retrieved no later than May 31. 3. Every Ten (10) Years No separate ten (10) year inspection shall be established. It should be noted that, while the current edition of the 2007 NFPA 1403 is to provide physical testing of the concrete slabs and walls at the ten (10) year interval, this intent is met and exceeded by charging the independent inspector of the five (5) year inspection with providing recommendations for the testing of structural components. Page 4 of 5 09/29/2009 Commonwealth of Virginia Department of Fire Programs Schedule of Burn Building Inspections E. NewConstruction/RenovationBurnBuildingProp,ClassAorBFuel Inspection Type Requirements 1. Initial Prior to construction, the A/E firm retained by locality who is responsible for the burn building propr design shall submit preliminary drawings to the VDFP for review by VDFPs consultant for confirmation of the minimum requirements of the burn building prop prototype. 2. At Completion of Construction Inspection to be performed by VDFP personnel. Minimum Scope of Completion Inspection: Obtain letter from A/E firm of record indicating that burn building prop facility was constructed/renovated per the approved construction drawings. Review new facility utilizing the VDFP New Burn Building Prop Checklist. Perform live fire burn in each burn room to verify that all components of the burnroom, ventilation, temperature monitoring system and/or fuel delivery system (if equipped) are functioning. Verify calibration of temperature monitoring system. Review proposed usage data logs and signage. Download PDF: Schedule of Burn Building Prop Inspections

Live Fire Training Structure Grant FAQ

 What is a Live Fire Training Structure? An unoccupied structure used by the fire service for training personnel in a controlled & supervised fire simulation or dense smoke environment. The structure is referred to as a “prop”  Who is eligible for a Commonwealth Live Fire Training Structure grant? Any one of the 323 jurisdictions of the Commonwealth – the several independent Cities, Counties, and incorporated Towns within those counties; all as listed in the Secretary of the Commonwealth’s annual report. (Grants are never awarded directly to a department or other fire service organization.)  How much is available from the State as a Live Fire Training Structure grant? Presently up to $480k is available for new construction – as $450k + up to $30k for local structural engineering needs. The Live Fire Training Structure Grant Program is a matching/cost sharing program based on the size of the project the locality intends to build. Potentially a similar maximum amount is available for repair work but subject to recommendations made by the Agency’s Engineering consultant. Final amount will be approved by the VA. FIRE SERVICES BOARD. For Repair/Renovation projects larger than the base prototype, the amount awarded will be a % based on square footage of the Live Fire Training Structure and number of burn rooms compared to the base prototype.  Where can I read-up on Commonwealth Live Fire Training Structure grants? The controlling document is presently Sec 38.2-401, Code of Virginia found at There are two (2) subordinate documents; the BOARD’S POLICY & AGENCY’S PRACTICES both of which can be found on the Agency’s web site at under the Grants and Local Aid Heading on the Live Fire Training Structure Grant page.  How can a jurisdiction apply for a Commonwealth Live Fire Training Structure grant? The application is on the Agency’s website at under the Grants and Local Aid Heading on the Live Fire Training Structure Grant Page. Any jurisdictions wishing to apply for a grant may address their application to… BUDGET AND GRANTS MANAGER,VDFP, 1005 Technology Park Dr., Richmond, Va.23059- 4500  Where does the money come from for Commonwealth Live Fire Training Structure grant awards? The short answer is the Commonwealth’s FIRE PROGRAMS FUND. Detail  The CODE provides for an annual levy against certain insurance premiums collected within the State. This amount in turn goes into the FUND. Under the FUND the CODE also establishes several PROGRAMS. One of these, the ‘FIRE SERVICE GRANT PROGRAM,’ provides for grants to “…repair and construct Live Fire Training Structures.” FAQs (2-03-09) working.doc Page 1 of 3  How will the current statewide budget crisis affect awards? While there still may be some uncertainty, at present it appears that there will be no impact to those jurisdictions presently scheduled to receive awards.  Are there standardized plans for constructing a Live Fire Training Structure? Yes – The Agency has such for this grant award program: One (1) set of plans of all 4 prototypes & corresponding specifications, called the Project Manual is made available at no-cost to each jurisdiction scheduled for an award. The Project Manual is also posted on the Agency’s website.  If we don’t want to build to the prototype plans, can my jurisdiction still get an award to construct a Live Fire Training Structure? Yes – It is recognized that one size may not necessarily fit all! Some jurisdictions may wish to choose a design different than the ‘plain vanilla’ Live Fire Training Structure as provided for through the Commonwealth’s prototype plans. Attached to the BOARD’s Policy document is an exhibit which is a performance or outline specification setting forth those minimums that the locality must agree to build into their prop as a condition of accepting an award?  If there is more than one jurisdiction involved, how are awards made? When more than one locality joins in a Live Fire Training Structure project –one of the partnering jurisdictions must be identified as the lead. The lead jurisdiction will serve as the procurement and fiscal agent for the project. The Agency thereafter deals solely with that Lead in the administration of the award. The Lead executes the grant agreement and is held by the Commonwealth as exclusively accountable for State monies which they alone receive on behalf of all. ( Usually it is the locality that holds title to the property which is chosen to act as the Lead)  Is there a list of recommended or qualified vendors for the design or repair or construction of Live Fire Training Structure in the Commonwealth? No! Such selection is solely the jurisdiction’s responsibility.  Just what is a fiscal period? Many businesses & governments account for their fiscal affairs on a 12-month period other than a standard calendar year – something different than Jan. to Dec., inclusive. The Commonwealth’s fiscal periods run from July 1st through and including June 30th of the next year; they are numbered by the year in which they end. e.g., The fiscal period beginning July 1, 2005 is termed “FY-2006” /or/ “FY06.”  How do lead localities receive their payments? Payments are made through electronic funds transfer (EFT) to the lead locality’s last account information on record with the Commonwealth. Reference the Agency Practices on Live Fire Training Structure Grant Administration, Section M. Award Disbursements. An executed Disbursement Agreement must be on file before any disbursements will be made. For new construction: Lead localities may request reimbursement for A/E services up to $30,000 at the time A/E services have been completed. For new construction: A recently issued building permit must be received before the first 25% installment of the construction grant will be disbursed. All remaining disbursements will be as reimbursements only. FAQs (2-03-09) working.doc Page 2 of 3  Is the jurisdiction allowed to procure under their own guidelines or do they have to use the bid process that is outlined in the new specifications, know as the Project Manual? Yes, jurisdictions are still to procure under their own guidelines. The bid process outlined in the Project Manual is just guidelines to help jurisdictions.   Download PDF: Live Fire Training Structure Grant FAQ

Helpful Hints for ATL Annual Reports

Helpful Hints in Completing ATL Annual Reports and Disbursement Agreements Annual Reports Ensure that all expenditures reported qualify as used solely for fire purposes only AND that no ATL funds were used to supplant or replace local funding. Include prior year’s carry forward of ATL funds in B2. Report the current fiscal year’s ATL allocation in B3. These amounts are reported on the Audit Sheet and have been verified as correct by VDFP. Do not change these amounts. Do not report more expenditures than the total amount reported in B4. Check your math carefully. Have the Annual Report notarized. Submit one original Annual Report per fiscal year being reported. Do not combine multiple fiscal years on one report. Do not submit Annual Reports for fiscal years in which funds have not yet been released. The locality cannot report for what it has not yet received. Disbursement Agreements Return TWO (2) original disbursement agreements. Both will be executed; one will be returned for the locality’s files. Both Annual Reports and Disbursement Agreements ALL documents must be signed by the County Administrator, City Manager, Town Mayor/Manager or duly appointed Deputy, OR other duly authorized official whereby the report is accompanied by a copy of an ‘Ordinance’ or other such instrument granting that party such authority. Read all documents carefully. Failure to comply with these requirements WILL result in returned documents and a delay in fire programs funds disbursement. Forward these guidelines to any office/department charged with completing these reports/forms on the locality’s behalf. Call the VDFP Grants and Local Aid Manager if there are questions, comments, concerns, or confusion in what needs to be completed and returned. Check the VDFP website for additional forms/reports as needed. Required forms can be found under Grants & Local Aid, Aid to Localities. Keep copies of what is submitted to VDFP for the locality’s files in the event prior years may need to be referenced and for audit purposes. How does the Audit Sheet work? Identify the ATL Reference Codes selected for the locality (in the yellow box). Refer to the Reference Code Descriptions to determine which documents are required for submission. ONLY the documents identified by the Reference Codes are required.