
Trainers Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec a eros vehicula, porttitor felis nec, imperdiet turpis. Nullam fermentum, lectus in varius fringilla, mi mauris bibendum nisi, non dignissim lectus neque vel mi. Ut et nisi elementum, fringilla eros non, lacinia enim. Integer eget tortor condimentum, ornare lorem nec, feugiat dui. Sed tincidunt sodales tellus, ut egestas nibh hendrerit eu. Morbi sed leo faucibus, molestie nibh eu, rutrum lacus. Suspendisse fringilla non justo non blandit. Curabitur efficitur vitae odio cursus tempor. Nunc pulvinar mi sit amet fringilla blandit. Fusce dapibus sapien commodo nunc bibendum, ut malesuada leo varius. Praesent ut velit laoreet, faucibus erat a, sagittis augue. In ultrices hendrerit risus sit amet aliquet. Proin ultrices condimentum risus quis suscipit. In facilisis lorem eros, sed accumsan massa ultricies quis. Nulla sit amet malesuada est. Sed tincidunt dui ut nulla efficitur semper. Duis ultrices, est molestie bibendum vestibulum, risus lorem vehicula nibh, et semper enim enim a magna. Suspendisse varius, leo vitae ultrices tincidunt, justo nunc convallis massa, et imperdiet urna felis a ipsum. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Aliquam non blandit erat. Etiam imperdiet, mi id dictum pretium, sem risus posuere nulla, id mattis sem nulla a risus. Pellentesque risus eros, interdum eget justo ut, sagittis tincidunt diam. Nulla elementum leo id felis feugiat congue at sed massa. Ut in nisl in tortor fermentum suscipit. Fusce vestibulum dolor ex, vitae posuere eros suscipit ac. Praesent scelerisque lorem vel sem faucibus placerat. Nunc volutpat scelerisque mi, ac lacinia urna accumsan vitae. In eget ultrices est, eget elementum massa. Suspendisse eu orci sit amet turpis porta bibendum. Donec non enim at nibh euismod euismod vitae nec neque. Donec ut semper libero. Phasellus tempor ligula nulla, ac pulvinar mi tristique id. Vestibulum pulvinar tincidunt finibus. Aliquam suscipit finibus magna vitae pulvinar. Donec vel varius lorem. Ut sodales odio ut sapien venenatis vulputate rutrum at nibh. Donec faucibus eros non augue interdum dictum ac eget felis. Donec vulputate est sit amet lobortis porta. Nunc rhoncus condimentum aliquet. Donec quis ipsum libero. Aenean faucibus, ipsum ut laoreet elementum, est mauris tincidunt erat, vel porta lectus ex ut tellus. Duis eu lectus vel dui rhoncus ullamcorper vel at tellus. Nulla suscipit tellus sit amet nisi ultricies, non sodales elit elementum. Vivamus eleifend arcu posuere leo porttitor, eu eleifend libero vestibulum. Praesent vehicula porta quam, sed vehicula mi auctor nec. Donec non tempor felis. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Phasellus blandit pulvinar arcu, at elementum elit ultricies non. Mauris erat eros, mattis quis ante ut, suscipit pharetra tortor. Mauris ac fringilla lorem, ut gravida lacus. Morbi euismod ipsum enim, sit amet vulputate ipsum gravida et. Related Links Link 1 Link 2 Link 3   Additional Resources Link 1 Link 2 Link 3     Dereck Baker Interim Chief of Training and Operations 4975 Alliance Drive
Fairfax, VA 22030 703-259-3232 703-803-1127

VFIRS Facts and Figures

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VDFP 2013 Legislative Summary

Below you will find a listing of legislations passed during the 2014 Virginia General Assembly session that will have an influence on Virginia’s fire and emergency services. The following legislations will become effective on July 1, 2014 • HB561 (Bulova) and SB282 (Cosgrove) – This legislation affords the Virginia Fire Services Board the flexibility to meet up to six times per year. Currently, the Board is limited to four meetings annually. • HB730 (Lingamfelter) and SB381 (Reeves) – This legislation transfers the responsibility for overseeing and coordinating efforts to strengthen homeland security from the Secretary of Veterans Affairs and Homeland Security to the Secretary of Public Safety. The legislation renames the secretariats the Secretary of Veterans and Defense Affairs and the Secretary of Public Safety and Homeland Security, and enables Virginia to better prepare for, evaluate, and respond to emergencies and disasters. • HB785 (Cole) and SB494 (Marsh) – This legislation transfers the administrative management of the Reduced Cigarette Ignition Propensity (RCIP) from the Commissioner of Agriculture and Consumer Services to the Executive Director of the Department of Fire Programs. Previously, the Dept of Agriculture was responsible for the registration of the fire safe cigarettes sold in Virginia and the State Fire Marshal’s Office within the Department of Fire Programs, was responsible for the inspection of the RCIP cigarettes. This will move all aspects of this program to Fire Programs and creates a more efficient registration and management process. • HB1196 (Cline) – Among other things, this legislation allows the secretary of an organized fire–fighting company to appoint a designee to file the active list of members with the clerk of the circuit court where such company is located. • HJ103 (Jones) –  This resolution directs the Joint Legislative Audit and Review Commission (JLARC) to study Virginia‘s Line of Duty Act, the current and projected future costs of benefits awarded thereunder, and the advisability of coordinating those benefits with additional benefits paid under other state and federal programs. JLARC shall complete its final review and findings by November 30, 2015. • SB352 (Reeves/Howell) – This legislation provides that where a sealed pack is labeled as containing cigarettes, such labeling shall be prima facie evidence that the contents of the pack are cigarettes. • SB364 (Reeves/Howell) – The legislation prohibits persons who have been convicted of selling, purchasing, or possessing, etc., unstamped cigarettes for the purpose of evading taxes and persons convicted of possession with intent to distribute tax–paid, contraband cigarettes from being authorized holders of cigarettes. • SB365 (Reeves/Howell) – This legislation provides that counterfeit and contraband cigarettes that have been forfeited to law enforcement do not have to be destroyed, but may be used by law enforcement for the conduct of undercover operations. The bill also allows law–enforcement agencies to possess for investigative purposes cigarettes without tax stamps. • SB490 (Norment) – This legislation amends the Virginia Residential Landlord and Tenant Act to require a landlord to install carbon monoxide alarms upon the written request of a tenant. The bill also provides that the landlord may charge a reasonable fee for the installation of the alarms and that the installation must be in compliance with the Uniform Statewide Building Code.

VDFP 2014 Legislative Summary

Below you will find a listing of legislations passed during the 2014 Virginia General Assembly session that will have an influence on Virginia’s fire and emergency services. The following legislations will become effective on July 1, 2014 • HB561 (Bulova) and SB282 (Cosgrove) – This legislation affords the Virginia Fire Services Board the flexibility to meet up to six times per year. Currently, the Board is limited to four meetings annually. • HB730 (Lingamfelter) and SB381 (Reeves) – This legislation transfers the responsibility for overseeing and coordinating efforts to strengthen homeland security from the Secretary of Veterans Affairs and Homeland Security to the Secretary of Public Safety. The legislation renames the secretariats the Secretary of Veterans and Defense Affairs and the Secretary of Public Safety and Homeland Security, and enables Virginia to better prepare for, evaluate, and respond to emergencies and disasters. • HB785 (Cole) and SB494 (Marsh) – This legislation transfers the administrative management of the Reduced Cigarette Ignition Propensity (RCIP) from the Commissioner of Agriculture and Consumer Services to the Executive Director of the Department of Fire Programs. Previously, the Dept of Agriculture was responsible for the registration of the fire safe cigarettes sold in Virginia and the State Fire Marshal’s Office within the Department of Fire Programs, was responsible for the inspection of the RCIP cigarettes. This will move all aspects of this program to Fire Programs and creates a more efficient registration and management process. • HB1196 (Cline) – Among other things, this legislation allows the secretary of an organized fire–fighting company to appoint a designee to file the active list of members with the clerk of the circuit court where such company is located. • HJ103 (Jones) –  This resolution directs the Joint Legislative Audit and Review Commission (JLARC) to study Virginia‘s Line of Duty Act, the current and projected future costs of benefits awarded thereunder, and the advisability of coordinating those benefits with additional benefits paid under other state and federal programs. JLARC shall complete its final review and findings by November 30, 2015. • SB352 (Reeves/Howell) – This legislation provides that where a sealed pack is labeled as containing cigarettes, such labeling shall be prima facie evidence that the contents of the pack are cigarettes. • SB364 (Reeves/Howell) – The legislation prohibits persons who have been convicted of selling, purchasing, or possessing, etc., unstamped cigarettes for the purpose of evading taxes and persons convicted of possession with intent to distribute tax–paid, contraband cigarettes from being authorized holders of cigarettes. • SB365 (Reeves/Howell) – This legislation provides that counterfeit and contraband cigarettes that have been forfeited to law enforcement do not have to be destroyed, but may be used by law enforcement for the conduct of undercover operations. The bill also allows law–enforcement agencies to possess for investigative purposes cigarettes without tax stamps. • SB490 (Norment) – This legislation amends the Virginia Residential Landlord and Tenant Act to require a landlord to install carbon monoxide alarms upon the written request of a tenant. The bill also provides that the landlord may charge a reasonable fee for the installation of the alarms and that the installation must be in compliance with the Uniform Statewide Building Code.