Fireworks, Pyrotechnics and Flame Effects

Permits for fireworks and pyrotechnics are obtained from one of three sources.

A permit may be obtained through the local fire official that has been appointed by the locality to administer and enforce the Statewide Fire Prevention Code.

If a locality has not appointed a local fire official to administer and enforce the Statewide Fire Prevention Code, a permit may be obtained from the locality through statutory authority granted to the locality by the following Code of Virginia section:

  • § 15.2-974. Permits for display of fireworks; use and exhibitions. The governing bodies of the several counties, cities and towns shall have the power to provide for the issuance of permits for the display of fireworks by fair associations, amusement parks, or by any organization or group of individuals, under the minimum terms and conditions set forth in the Virginia Statewide Fire Prevention Code (§ 27-94 et seq.) and any additional terms and conditions as may be prescribed by the locality. Any association, organization, or group that has been issued a permit may purchase and make use of fireworks under the terms and conditions of such permit.

For fireworks/ pyrotechnics conducted on state-owned property or within state-owned buildings, permits are to be obtained through the State Fire Marshal’s Office.

The State Fire Marshal’s Office also issues permits for non-state owned property in localities where the SFMO serves as the AHJ.

A permit is required for flame effects inside state-owned buildings, outdoors on state-owned property or in areas where the State Fire Marshal’s Office serves as the AHJ.

Flame effect operators are not required to be certified by the SFPC and are not included as part of the Pyrotechnician certification program.

Permissible Fireworks and Certified Pyrotechnician List

2024 Virginia Approved Permissible Fireworks List

Certified Pyrotechnician list

To verify the status of a Certified Pyrotechnician, please contact John Cullinane, RCIP-LSC Program Coordinator at (804) 612-7270 or the SFMO at (804) 371-0220.

Fireworks, Pyrotechnics and Flame Effects Permits

State Owned Property/Buildings Non- State Owned Property/Buildings
Application for permit NFPA 1123 Fireworks (State Owned) Application for Fireworks Display (Non-State Owned)
Application for NFPA 160 Flame Effects (State Owned) Application for NFPA 160 Flame Effects (Non-State Owned)
Application for permit NFPA 1126 Pyrotechnics (State Owned) Application for permit NFPA 1126 Pyrotechnics (Non-State Owned)

Bonfires and Open Burning

A permit is required for any bonfire that is conducted on state-owned property. A bonfire is an outdoor fire utilized for ceremonial purposes but does not in a “recreational fire”. A recreational fire is defined as an outdoor fire burning materials other than rubbish where the fuel being burned is not contained in an incinerator, outdoor fireplace, barbeque grill or barbeque pit and has a total fuel area of 3 feet (914 mm) or less in diameter and 2 feet (610 mm) or less in height for pleasure, religious, ceremonial, cooking, warmth or similar purposes. All other outdoor fires may be viewed as a bonfire.

Other Publications and Forms

For more information on firework, pyrotechnic, and flame effect permits and Pyrotechnician certification, contact: