The Virginia State Fire Marshal’s Office is committed to providing safety for residents and occupants from fire and to maintain fire code compliance for all that live, work, and visit Virginia. Within that commitment, the SFMO is responsible for the inspection and permitting of mobile food preparation vehicles operating in Virginia.

2021 Virginia Statewide Fire Prevention Code

319.1 General.

Mobile food preparation vehicles that are equipped with appliances that utilize open flames or produce smoke or grease laden vapors shall comply with this section.

319.1.1 Wheel chocks.

Wheel chocks shall be used to prevent mobile food preparation vehicles from moving.

319.1.2 Separation.

Mobile food preparation vehicles shall be separated from buildings or structures, combustible materials, vehicles, and other cooking operations by a minimum of 10 feet (3 m).

319.2 Permit required. Permits shall be required as set forth in Section 107.2.

319.2.1 Permit Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ).

The enforcing agent of a permit requirement on a mobile food preparation vehicle (MFPV) shall be the appointed fire official for the Virginia local government which the food truck is identified for personal property tax payment of the vehicle. If no such entity exists, if the local government has elected to not enforce this section of the SFPC, or if the MFPV is housed out of state, then it shall be the State Fire Marshal’s Office (SFMO) or designee.

Fee Notification

The SFMO will only be inspecting and permitting mobile food preparation vehicles in those localities where the SFMO is the Authority Having Jurisdiction (or if the local government has elected to not enforce this section of the SFPC) as indicated in the above reference code section (319.2.1).

SFMO will charge a flat rate for services and inspections, report preparations, and managerial review. The rate will be a $200.00 annual charge for inspection and services rendered during the Mobile Food Preparation Vehicle inspection.

How to Get Your Mobile Food Preparation Vehicle Inspected

  1. Review and complete the Mobile Food Preparation Vehicle Checklist.
  2. Review and complete the Mobile Food Preparation Vehicle Contract including the Authorization to Perform Service section.
  3. Contact for information about how to schedule your inspection.