Virginia Fire Marshal Academy Course Descriptions

This list includes course descriptions, prerequisites, text and equipment requirements, hours, recertification and standard/regulation information and any special notes. When a registration fee is required, please make checks payable to the Treasurer of Virginia.

If you have questions or require additional information about any of the courses listed below, please contact the Virginia Fire Marshal Academy at

Public/Community Outreach and Education

Communicating with your Community, and NFPA 1035 Fire and Life Safety Educator Levels 1 and 2 have moved under the Community Risk Reduction section and are listed on this page:

Fire Marshal Development

VFMA – Civilian Entry

This course was developed to assist civilians with developing a fundamental level of fire service knowledge before entering into the Fire Marshal courses.

Prerequisites: None


VFMA – 1031 Bridge Program

This program is intended for 1031 Fire Inspector accredited certificate holders seeking reciprocity to satisfy the requirements of Section 27.34-2 of the Code of Virginia regarding the authority to arrest, to procure and serve warrants of arrest and to issue summons or certificate holders that are classified as lapsed according to Virginia Certification Standard, Section 12VAC5-21-51 regarding issuance and maintenance of certificates.

Refer to the 1031 Bridge Flowchart for more information.


Fire Inspector (NFPA 1031)

This 80-hour course provides basic instruction in the minimum knowledge and skills required to conduct fire inspections, as defined by NFPA 1031, Standard for Professional Qualifications for Fire Inspector and Plan Examiner and the Virginia Administrative Code.

This course meets the Job Performance Requirements (JPRs) of the NFPA 1031 standard for Fire Inspector Levels I and II. This course meets the training requirements specified in Code of Virginia § 27-34.2 and the Virginia Certification Standards as specified in the Statewide Fire Prevention Code. The course meets over two consecutive weeks (Monday – Friday).

Prerequisites: Firefighter Level II and Hazardous Materials Awareness OR VFMA Civilian Entry Process

Certification Requirements: Students must complete written and practical skills testing, homework assignments and participate in all practical exercises/activities.

Text: 2021 Virginia Statewide Construction Code, 2021 Virginia Statewide Fire Prevention Code, and Principles of Fire Prevention by David Diamantes (4th ed)

Hours: 80 hours



Fire Investigator (NFPA 1033)

This 120-hour course consists of lecture, practical, and web-based on demand training and provides instruction in the minimum knowledge and skills required to conduct fire origin and cause investigations, as defined by NFPA 1033, Standard for Professional Qualifications for Fire Investigator and the Virginia Administrative Code.

Upon completion of this course, students will be able to conduct simple fire investigations and assist in more complex scene investigations. The course meets over three consecutive weeks (Monday – Friday).

Prerequisites: Firefighter Level II and Virginia recognized Hazardous Materials Awareness OR VFMA Civilian Entry

Testing: Students must successfully complete written and practical skills testing. Details of the testing process will be provided on the first day of class.

Texts: NFPA 921 (2024 ed), NFPA 1033 (2022 ed), and Jones and Bartlett Fire Investigator: Principals and Practices (6th ed)

Required Equipment: Firefighting Personal Protective Equipment, long sleeve shirt and pants, steel toe shoes/boots, leather gloves, hard hat and respiratory protection (N95, N100, or filter mask approved for carbon and asbestos), flashlight, notebook, pen/pencil, digital camera.

Hours: 120 hours



Basic Law Enforcement for Fire Marshals

The Virginia Fire Marshal Academy Basic Law Enforcement School is a 14-week, 560-hour, Virginia Department of Criminal Justice Services compliant basic law enforcement academy.

The course curriculum covers all mandatory minimum compulsory training outcomes for law enforcement officers listed in the DCJS training manual. The program consists of classroom instruction, field training exercises, practical skills evaluations, weekly quizzes, written tests and a comprehensive final written examination.

Topics covered include, but are not limited to: Ethics, Conflict Resolution and Situational De-escalation, Domestic Violence, Criminal Law, Constitutional Law, Basic and Tactical Firearms, Defensive Tactics and Control Techniques, Emergency Vehicle Operation, Active Shooter Response, Interview and Interrogation, and many others.

After completing the basic law enforcement academy, students will then be required to complete a 160-hour field training program where the graduate rides along with veteran, experienced officers who teach the fire marshal graduates how to apply the skills learned in the basic law enforcement school to real world scenarios.

Upon completion of the basic law enforcement school and field training, the law enforcement fire marshal will be fully prepared to embark on their new careers as fully sworn, law enforcement fire marshal investigators.

Prerequisites: NFPA 1033 Fire Investigator 1033

Equipment: A detailed list of equipment will be provided to confirmed students.

Hours: Approx. 560 hours



Environmental Investigations

A school designed for those individuals assigned the responsibility to investigate (by state or local authority) the illegal dumping or disposal of hazardous materials and waste.

When a student completes the course, they will receive 24 hours of investigator re-certification in addition to a certificate of completion for the program.

Prerequisites: Hazmat Awareness. Student must be 18 years of age.

Equipment: SCBA, mask, and one spare bottle.

Hours: 40